Monday, September 27, 2010

And the Winners Are...

Without further ado, please join me in congratulating the wieners, er, winners below!

1-MUpton -5.9%
2-Cody -5.6%
3-Huffinator -2.7%

Total money is $210. The split (75/15/10) as detailed in the original rules breaks down as follows:

1-MUpton gets $160
2-Cody gets $30
3-Huffinator gets $20
FYI-I will walk the $ over to you. It's hard for me to part with it!

Congratulations to Melissa, Cody, and Rob! Great job on sticking with it.

So, what's next? I am considering another round but would love to hear what you think. Do you think we could change the challenge so more folks actually work out? How about the incentive? What if I reduced the $ but had an alternative which could be more valuable than a few bones in your pocket? Let me know!


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Results Posted: Week 7

Yo! Here are the results for last week.

1-Brodie -4.2 lbs lost
2-Cody -3.4
3-MUpton -0.9

Overall Leaders
1-MUpton -5.7 %
2-Cody -4.7
3-Tim -2.6

Next week is the last week...who's it going to be? MUpton has been in the top three for several weeks and has a strong lead in the overall. C'mon boys! Step up!

On another note, a few folks have asked about the next round??? What say you? I for one would go for it. I'm thinking my schedule is going to slow down and no planned upcoming conferences so I could get into that ever elusive routine of eating right and working out.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Results Posted: Week 6

Yo! Here are the deets on this weeks, losers!

#1  MUpton -1.7 lbs
#2  "SPARTA!!!" Roman (aka Brodie Roman) - 0.8
#3 Racy Tracie - 0.6

2 weeks left to rock it! What are you gonna do? Give up or get on it? It always comes down to a choice...just choose wisely! 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Results Posted: Week 5

Here's the skinny on who got skinny this week:

First place tie! 
Tracie and Melissa - 2.8 lbs
Cody - 1.4

Congrats folks! Awesome numbers! 

The total % stats are looking purdy good also. Keep in mind these are the stats that win the cash. Pounds loss is nice to look at but to make it fair, we use % loss of your total body weight.

1-Mupton -4.2%
2-Svelteness -4.0%
3-Cody & JJ -3.3%

The Truth
Three weeks left! September 27 is our final weigh in. Still have time to crack down and get in some work outs to burn lots of calories. Why should you? It's not about winning this challenge (although I am going to enjoy taking your $$$!). The truth is I don't want to be like this picture.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weights to be made public

Under heavy duress, I will make the weights public by posting them here on the blog (fyi: since this is a "closed"site, only people actually in the site can view it).  

If you are extremely opposed and think you can beat me in a game of horseshoes or a spelling contest, I may reconsider.

Results Posted: Week 4

How much farther? Have you heard that before? One thousand times more than you want to hear it perhaps?

How does HALF WAY sound? We're half way done with the challenge. Time for an assessment. 

Ok, since the scale went kaput, there's no point in doing a winner this week so we'll just look at the overall leaders to date ranked by % loss. 

1 - Svelte Suge -3.2%
2 - Mupton & Hustlin' Huffr -2.6%
3 - Shutterbug Salinas -2.5%

*Remember, we are benchmarking the weight from our last challenge or in the case of new peeps, the weight of their first weigh in. Any other questions, check out the Get Fit Deets posting. Or, see me outside in 5 minutes.

Congrats!!! Somebody is working. If your name isn't here, or has never been in the top 3, what are you going to do about it? To quote one of my fav flicks (Tombstone), "Skin that smokewagon and see what happens." In plain English, get to work!

Ok, back to the Assessment. 
  • What is your goal weight? And what do you weigh now after 4 weeks?
  • How serious are you in attaining your goal weight?
  • What time and activities are you willing to sacrifice to meet your challenge? Think the weight will come off by watching tv and chillin'? Prolly not, right? Walking a little here and there, maybe a session of P90X? One or two hours a week isn't going to do it, but you knew that.
  • So what's next? Your choice but you know what to do. Eat less. Burn more. Eat healthier...and less. 
Make the common sense decisions you know will help you reach your goal.

If you're stumped or in a slump, try reaching out. Find someone to help you. A partner can help you be more accountable for eating right and staying in the workout groove. 

Since I'm in the helping out mood, one more from Val, "I'm your huckleberry and that's just my game."