Monday, September 27, 2010

And the Winners Are...

Without further ado, please join me in congratulating the wieners, er, winners below!

1-MUpton -5.9%
2-Cody -5.6%
3-Huffinator -2.7%

Total money is $210. The split (75/15/10) as detailed in the original rules breaks down as follows:

1-MUpton gets $160
2-Cody gets $30
3-Huffinator gets $20
FYI-I will walk the $ over to you. It's hard for me to part with it!

Congratulations to Melissa, Cody, and Rob! Great job on sticking with it.

So, what's next? I am considering another round but would love to hear what you think. Do you think we could change the challenge so more folks actually work out? How about the incentive? What if I reduced the $ but had an alternative which could be more valuable than a few bones in your pocket? Let me know!


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Results Posted: Week 7

Yo! Here are the results for last week.

1-Brodie -4.2 lbs lost
2-Cody -3.4
3-MUpton -0.9

Overall Leaders
1-MUpton -5.7 %
2-Cody -4.7
3-Tim -2.6

Next week is the last week...who's it going to be? MUpton has been in the top three for several weeks and has a strong lead in the overall. C'mon boys! Step up!

On another note, a few folks have asked about the next round??? What say you? I for one would go for it. I'm thinking my schedule is going to slow down and no planned upcoming conferences so I could get into that ever elusive routine of eating right and working out.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Results Posted: Week 6

Yo! Here are the deets on this weeks, losers!

#1  MUpton -1.7 lbs
#2  "SPARTA!!!" Roman (aka Brodie Roman) - 0.8
#3 Racy Tracie - 0.6

2 weeks left to rock it! What are you gonna do? Give up or get on it? It always comes down to a choice...just choose wisely! 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Results Posted: Week 5

Here's the skinny on who got skinny this week:

First place tie! 
Tracie and Melissa - 2.8 lbs
Cody - 1.4

Congrats folks! Awesome numbers! 

The total % stats are looking purdy good also. Keep in mind these are the stats that win the cash. Pounds loss is nice to look at but to make it fair, we use % loss of your total body weight.

1-Mupton -4.2%
2-Svelteness -4.0%
3-Cody & JJ -3.3%

The Truth
Three weeks left! September 27 is our final weigh in. Still have time to crack down and get in some work outs to burn lots of calories. Why should you? It's not about winning this challenge (although I am going to enjoy taking your $$$!). The truth is I don't want to be like this picture.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weights to be made public

Under heavy duress, I will make the weights public by posting them here on the blog (fyi: since this is a "closed"site, only people actually in the site can view it).  

If you are extremely opposed and think you can beat me in a game of horseshoes or a spelling contest, I may reconsider.

Results Posted: Week 4

How much farther? Have you heard that before? One thousand times more than you want to hear it perhaps?

How does HALF WAY sound? We're half way done with the challenge. Time for an assessment. 

Ok, since the scale went kaput, there's no point in doing a winner this week so we'll just look at the overall leaders to date ranked by % loss. 

1 - Svelte Suge -3.2%
2 - Mupton & Hustlin' Huffr -2.6%
3 - Shutterbug Salinas -2.5%

*Remember, we are benchmarking the weight from our last challenge or in the case of new peeps, the weight of their first weigh in. Any other questions, check out the Get Fit Deets posting. Or, see me outside in 5 minutes.

Congrats!!! Somebody is working. If your name isn't here, or has never been in the top 3, what are you going to do about it? To quote one of my fav flicks (Tombstone), "Skin that smokewagon and see what happens." In plain English, get to work!

Ok, back to the Assessment. 
  • What is your goal weight? And what do you weigh now after 4 weeks?
  • How serious are you in attaining your goal weight?
  • What time and activities are you willing to sacrifice to meet your challenge? Think the weight will come off by watching tv and chillin'? Prolly not, right? Walking a little here and there, maybe a session of P90X? One or two hours a week isn't going to do it, but you knew that.
  • So what's next? Your choice but you know what to do. Eat less. Burn more. Eat healthier...and less. 
Make the common sense decisions you know will help you reach your goal.

If you're stumped or in a slump, try reaching out. Find someone to help you. A partner can help you be more accountable for eating right and staying in the workout groove. 

Since I'm in the helping out mood, one more from Val, "I'm your huckleberry and that's just my game."

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How I Love Wal-Mart

Any visit to Wally World can yield both cool and crazy. This morning, one yawn past sunrise, I made my weekly trip to the place I hold so dear.

Why? For you, of course! Actually, the old scale "gave up the ghost" and I had to get a new one.

Behold the Healthometer BFM884!!!

You know the drill, so get over here. If I am not around, and there's a good chance I might not be, please send the deets in a chat. 

Since this is a new scale, NO GAINER TAX today. That's right, for this weigh in only, no weight penalty if this weight is > than last weeks.

Any questions or complaints, please meet me outside in 5 minutes.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

When Is Your Next Challenge? By Mary Brophy Marcus, USA TODAY

Where Are You? [video]

No leisurely Saturday morning jog down tree-lined neighborhood streets for Joe Pennella. His idea of a satisfying morning run includes slogging through a mud pit, leaping over bales of hay and getting barked at by a U.S. Marine.

A couple of weeks ago, Pennella ran Run Amuck at Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia — a 31/2-mile running race nothing like your neighborhood 5K fundraiser, he says. "The race was ridiculously fun," he says.

"First, they hit you with a ladder hose from a Quantico Fire Department truck. Then on the first hill, a Marine makes you stop and do 10 jumping jacks and he makes you count — he had a bullhorn. Then you had to jump over bales of hay and run through a mud pit. And that's all in the first mile," says Pennella, 40, of his fourth mud run in the past three years.

Pennella is among a growing number of runners craving runs more offbeat or extreme than the typical weekend footrace, says Runner's World running expert and writer Bart Yasso, a longtime distance runner who spends almost every weekend at a race. He spent the weekend of Aug. 21 in Colorado.

"People are looking for the next challenge," he says. "I just saw Pike's Peak. They do a half-marathon distance ascent Saturday — 2,000 people run to the top of the mountain — and on Sunday the marathon is run, up and down."

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Best Reason to Stay Slim? Survival

"Put on a show. Play cards. Sing. Get exercise. And whatever you do, don't get too fat to squeeze through the escape tunnel. Even though the miners have undoubtedly lost a significant amount of weight, Chilean officials are trying to ensure they don't bulk up before their rescue. They say the miners will have to be no more than 35 inches (90 centimeters) around the waist to make it out of the tunnel. The escape tunnel will be about 26 inches (66 centimeters) wide — the diameter of a typical bike tire — and stretch for more than 2,200 feet (688 meters) through solid rock. That's more than 80 inches (207 centimeters) in circumference, but rescuers also have to account for the space of the basket that will be used to pull the miners to safety."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A short period of gluttony can have a lasting impact -

Late night trips to McDonalds for an ice cream or jaunts thru Taco Bell. Guilty? "Overeating for just four weeks can cause changes in body fat composition that last for years, Swedish researchers said Tuesday. The study serves as a warning that even brief periods of increased food consumption -- the first few weeks of college dorm life, a three-week cruise with its all-you-can-eat buffet, the string of parties from Thanksgiving through New Year's, cruising through the Taco Bell as you're leaving Truckee -- should be avoided.",0,1808680.story

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

5 Laws You Should Know About Working Out |

Follow this sage advice from my former coworker & uber fitness coach, Alwyn Cosgrove. Do more work and less cardio...strength and full body training blow cardio away!

5 Laws You Should Know About Working Out |

Monday, August 23, 2010

Are You All In?

If you had to estimate the level of effort you gave to achieving your weight loss goal, what would it be? 

It's easy to go all in if you're playing cards. It's even easy to say you're giving 100% to your job. What rating would you give yourself on losing weight in this challenge? Consider it a private conversation and be honest. 10%? 50%? 90%? 

If you're results don't match how you answered, someone is lying to you...

So I am not accused of being a Debbie Downer (or, is it Doug Downer for dudes?), take a gander at these positive links. Consider them "food for thought."

Tools to Keep Things In Check
What Is the Quickest Way to Lose 25 Pounds?
10 Steps to Achieve Your Optimal Performance Weight
One Surefire Way to Motivate Yourself

Results Posted: Week 3

Well, well, look who is in first place now?!

1-Svelte Suge Knight 9.8 lbs
2-Tenacious Tracie 3.2
3-Jammin' John Tone 0.6

Congrats to the losers and boo the gainers! The pot is growing! If it keeps gaining at this rate, someone will be taking home +$200 in a few weeks! Who will it be? Since this is based on % loss of your bodyweight (not just total lbs lost), there are currently 4 people with =/>2.3% body weight loss. Cody, Rob, JJ, and yours truly.


  • Feel free to weigh in anytime Monday morning preferably before noon (aka lunch!).
  • Pay Up Sucka isn't just a tattoo on the palm of Jesse James hand. It means bring the dough when you know you've gained fo'show!

Another luncher but 3 miles this time up to China Camp and back.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Establishing A Running Foundation by Matt Fitzgerald

Great article for neophyte runners or regulars looking for more info on the basics.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Endomondo Walking Workout

Lunch time walk w the Robinator

Endomondo Walking Workout: "was out walking 1.59 miles in 31m:21s using Endomondo."

If you aren't using Endomondo, you're lame!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lean On Me

Rob and I have decided to do a little "lean" challenge. 

This is a personal diet challenge where we set a goal of eating lean for 1 week beginning Wed., August 18.
Our diet rules are pretty simple:
  • No alcohol
  • No red meat
  • No soda
  • No sugary candy
  • No cheese
  • Reduce carbs
  • Reduce liquid calories

So that's the skinny or leanness. Nothing too complicated. We'll throw in exercise as much as possible but leaning out for a week was the primary goal. 
You're welcome to join in. Or, better yet, start your own!

In the meantime, check out Bill Withers and Lean on Me. Tune into this while you're grinding it out on the treadmill or trekking down some dirty trail!

Results Posted: Week 2

All tied up?! MUpton and JJ tie for first place with Sir Salinas and Sir Huff solidly securing the next two spots.

Results for our second week are:
1st place tie-Melissa & JJ -4.0 lbs
3-Cody & Rob - 3.0 lbs

  • 8 weeks starting Aug. 2 ending Sept.27
  • Initial weigh in will be used to calculate next weeks figures and Gainer Cost
  • Weekly weigh ins using the same scale in the same place. Weigh in anytime on Monday. Rob or I will record your weight. If you don't weigh in, I will use last known weight
  • For each week that you weigh in heavier than the prior, you are charged a Gainer Cost of $5 that goes into the pot for the winners.
  • For each week that you do not make the weigh in, you pay $5 to the pot. Exceptions must be approved by the Board of Supervisors (BS). Please plan ahead and bring $ or keep a 5 spot at your desk so I don't have to keep a tally of who has paid and who hasn't-help a brotha out!
  • Using the last weigh in from 7/19 for overall results
  • Pay out for 1-3 places. 1st place gets 75%, 2 place gets 15%, 3rd gets 10% of total money paid in
  • All communication updates will be provided here on this blog

Monday, August 16, 2010

Weigh In - Tomorrow!

Hey folks,

I forgot the stinkin' scale today! Don't kill me. I'll have it tomorrow so use the extra day to put in some extra work!

Good luck!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Horseshoe Challenge

Here ye, here ye,

You are hereby invited to join Sir Huff and myself for a little lunchtime challenge. To join, simply exit the front door of Bldg D, walk to the edge of the parking lot directly in front of the bldg and look to your right. We're thrown' around lunch so noonish but feel free to go out anytime!

The format is friendly, open 30 minute games. We're not pro's but we did look up the rules so we're legit!

All are welcome!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Beverage Consumption And Weight Management

Uh oh! Someone has been following me around... Beverage Consumption And Weight Management

Results Posted: Week 1

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! 

Results for our first week are:
1-Tracie -1.5% | -2.4 lbs
2-Cody -0.9% | -2.2 lbs
3-John - 0.6% | -1.0 lbs

Nice work winners! Rest of us, shame on you slackers! Get to work!!! If ya ain't puking or bleeding, you ain't done nothin' and you ain't working hard enough. 

Worked for my football coach. What say you?

Time to Rhyme

Alright, here it is.
Join in or look from afar.
It's your choice.
Be diligent and do work or you'll have no voice!

Rules, rules, rules!
Who needs'em?
Say what you will, think what you ought,
I'm posting this thing so it is what you got!

Have no shame, have no fame.
Those who risk not have no game!

What time is it?
Why some may say its Primetime!
I say, Get Fit or I'm taking yo'dime!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Get Fit Deets

Here are the basic program details:

  • $10 buy in. Due by Tues, August 10. No exceptions please. Late payees will be flogged and escorted to Donner Summit...and we all know what happened at Donner Summit.
  • 8 weeks starting Aug. 2 ending Sept.27
  • Initial weigh in will be used to calculate next weeks figures and Gainer Cost
  • Weekly weigh ins using the same scale in the same place. Weigh in anytime on Monday. Rob or I will record your weight.
  • For each week that you weigh in heavier than the prior, you are charged a Gainer Cost of $5 that goes into the pot for the winners.
  • For each week that you do not make the weigh in, you pay $5 to the pot. Exceptions must be approved by the Board of Supervisors (BS).
  • Using the last weigh in from 7/19 for overall results
  • Pay out for 1-3 places. 1st place gets 75%, 2 place gets 15%, 3rd gets 10% of total money paid in
  • All communication updates will be provided here on this blog